Using the Fisher information, it is theoretically solved the issue: what is the ratio r between inhibitory and excitatory inputs so that the neuron can most accurately decode input rate. 使用Fisher信息,在理论上解决了这样一个问题:当抑制和兴奋输入的比r取何值时,神经元能最精确地解码IF神经元的输入。
Spinal mechanism of the inhibitory effect of somatic input on the cardiac ischemia induced by hypothalamus stimulation 躯体传入冲动抑制中枢性心肌缺血的脊髓机制
These results indicate that adenosine A1-receptors are possibly involved in the modulation of rhythmical respiration through the inhibitory synaptic input from ⅰ neurons. 实验结果提示,腺苷A1受体可能通过介导吸气神经元的抑制性突触输入参与节律性呼吸的调制。
The temporal features of interaction between excitatory and inhibitory input from both lower and higher auditory nuclei to inferior colliculus ( IC) shape their responses to complex sound. 在声信号处理过程中,兴奋和抑制性输入相互作用的时间特征影响着下丘神经元对复杂声刺激的反应。
CINN, consisting of exciting neuron and inhibitory neuron with three states, four input terminals and two output terminals. 它由兴奋性神经元和抑制性神经元组合而成,具有3种状态、4种输入端和两种输出端。
In vitro study on the inhibitory effect of the optic tectum input from the retina mediated by γ-aminobutyric acid in pigeon γ-氨基丁酸参与家鸽顶盖的视网膜抑制性传入作用的离体研究
It suggests that sound direction effect on frequency tuning may be through the complex interplay between the excitatory and inhibitory input. 我们推测,声源方位对神经元频率调谐特性影响的机制,可能是抑制性和兴奋性输入的比例不同而相互整合的结果。
The central mechanisms for autonomic dysreflexia include: the loss of the baroreceptor reflex and loss of tonic bulbospinal inhibitory input to spinal neurons. 中枢机制包括:失去了压力感受性反射和失去了延髓对脊神经元的下行抑制。